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Lilly Pilly - Syzygium Paniculata Backyard Bliss

Sale price$22.49


The Paniculata Lilly Pilly's leaves feature a dark green and glossy finish making the plant a very lush looking addition to your home. The new growth is red during the height of the growing season and will transform to bronze as the foliage hardens off. 'Backyard Bliss' makes for an appropriate hedge around your property giving colour and privacy.

Water: Moderate water requirements but be sure to mulch and water extra well in Summer.

Sun: It loves full sun or part shade.

Soil: The Lilly Pilly does best in moist soil and climate conditions but will tolerate long dry spells if watered deeply

Lilly Pilly - Syzygium Paniculata Backyard Bliss
Lilly Pilly - Syzygium Paniculata Backyard Bliss Sale price$22.49