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Devils Ivy - Epipremnum Aureum Hanging Basket

Sale price$33.49


Devil’s ivy, also known as pothos, should be one of the first plants on your wish list when starting out on your indoor plant growing journey. Devil’s ivy has a trailing or climbing habit, so its long stems can be draped over and down shelves or trained up a totem, or it can cascade luxuriously out of a hanging basket.

Water: Ideally, they should be watered once the top 2 to 3 inches of soil has dried out

Sun: As with most pothos, marble queen pothos do best with bright, indirect light.

Soil: Generally, marble queen pothos can do well in a variety of soil conditions if the soil is well-draining and loamy.

Devils Ivy - Epipremnum Aureum Hanging Basket
Devils Ivy - Epipremnum Aureum Hanging Basket Sale price$33.49