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Crepe Myrtle - Lagerstroemia Tuscarora

Sale price$199.99


"Tuscarora" is known for its spectacular display of large, crepe-paper-like flowers. The blossoms are a vibrant coral-pink, creating a stunning contrast against the green foliage. Crepe Myrtles, including 'Tuscarora,' thrive in full sun and well draining soil is essential. Providing ample sunlight encourages robust growth and abundant flowering.

'Tuscarora' is a popular choice for landscapes, gardens, and even as a street tree. Its vibrant flowers make it a standout feature in mixed borders or as a focal point in the garden.

Crepe Myrtle - Lagerstroemia Tuscarora
Crepe Myrtle - Lagerstroemia Tuscarora Sale price$199.99