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Article: Tradescantia Care 101

Tradescantia Care 101

Tradescantia Care 101

This eye-catching plant is easy to grow and thrives in almost any environment. 

All the different varieties of Tradescantia plants are lovely trailing plants and very fast growing. If you can give your plant the right conditions, it will bloom with small pink or purple flowers which last just one day.


Thrives in bright indirect to medium indirect light. Avoid direct sun.
Give it plenty of indirect light to keep its stripes.


Water weekly, allowing about half the soil to dry out between waterings.

Tradescantia prefers consistently moist soil, so don’t go too long between waterings. 

Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.


Tradescantia is mildly toxic to cats and dogs

Sad Plant Signs

Leggy and loss of color: Not enough sunlight

Browning: Underwatered or low humidity

Yellowing: Overwatered

Hot tip:
Pinch back leggy stems to encourage new, fuller growth.

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