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Article: Alocasia Care 101

Alocasia Care 101

Alocasia Care 101


Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Alocasia can go into a dormancy phase and dieback during fall and winter. Increasing light and humidity can help deter this.


Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

This plant can benefit from extra humidity.

Alocasia can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using.

Fun Fact

Alocasia form bulbs called corms underground from which new Alocasia babies can grow.

Sad Plant Signs

Wilting leaves and stem, dry potting mix:Thirsty plant, underwatered

Yellowing leaves and mushy blackened base:Root rot, overwatered

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